28 January 2011

Whats up with Yoz?

I missed to upload a new video last week. Have started an filmproduction course with new assignments and challenges. Some videos nowadays is made for this purpose only. Im considering YouTube versions of those videos if only time will allow me. I will certainly share more about the progress of this course, its very useful even for someone like me who have produced videos for years

My work on YouTube is useful at the course too. Today I introduced all the features of YouTube to a student who was interested to know how it is to have an account and to upload videos. The best part is to meet the fellow students who share the great interest in filmproduction

In paralell to the course I have struggled with the next video. Some technical problems have constantly delayed it. Now it seem to be ready soon. Im really in the uploading mood now. Have lots of messages and feedback to respond when back on YouTube again!

22 January 2011

Slow motion...

Work going slow as it use to be but feels like worse than ever. Have to update my channel. The image of the cartoon myself is out of date since I got a new camera. Should focus to get a new upload by tomorrow

19 January 2011

Finally twice!

Yes FINALLY 1: I found out how to export animations from Flash to show up properly in Premiere Pro. Now I can get the video "Bring Me Trouble" go for real. Massive of work is waiting!

Yes FINALLY 2: I bought myself a NEW videocamera. A real proffessional one, Canon. More about this in an upcoming video, link shown below

18 January 2011

The Return of Yoz

Okay, will try my best to keep this site a bit updated from now on. My latest video and new ones on the way. Next video will more about animated YouTubers like Mystery Guitar Man